Health and Social Care Committee


Consultation on terms of reference for inquiry into residential care for older people


RC15 ToR – Pennaf Housing Group



Further to your request for comments on the proposed terms of reference in respect of the proposed terms of reference for the inquiry concerning residential care I wish to submit the following comments on behalf of the Pennaf Housing Group:


Suggested terms of reference


To examine the provision of residential care in Wales and the ways in which it can meet the current and future needs of older people, including:

·         the process by which older people enter residential care and the availability and accessibility of alternative services.

There should be a specific mention of evidence of bed blocking, the cost and full exploration of the reasons.   

·         The capacity of the residential care sector to meet the demand for services from older people in terms of staffing resources and the number of places and facilities.

The review should also consider fees payable, against the actual costs of provision, the disparity of top up payments and a review of any evidence that the state actually agrees to top up payment, i.e. when the residents ability to continue to meet top up requirements diminishes with reducing income.  

·         the quality of residential care services and the experiences of service users and their families; the effectiveness of services at meeting the diversity of need amongst older people; and the management of care home closures.

The inquiry should also consider issues associated with the possible transfer of care homes that are in danger of closure.

·         the effectiveness of the regulation and inspection arrangements for residential care, including the scope for increased scrutiny of service providers’ financial viability.

The review also consider any accreditation passports to lighter touch inspections, effectiveness is not always about more regulation it should be based on a risk approach. The review should also look at the interface between the regulator and the commissioners as often recommendations made by the regulator, no matter how minor, are increasingly being referred to the commissioner promoting unnecessary contractual reviews.

·         new and emerging models of care provision,

In particular the emergence of extra care as a new model that provided, and the way that housing management, housing support and care are provided by the same provider.  

the balance of public and independent sector provision, and alternative funding and ownership models, such as those offered by the cooperative and mutual sector


The provision made by Registered Social Landlords should also be taken into consideration.




Graham Worthington

Prif Weithredwr y Grŵp

Group Chief Executive